Would you consider paying for an ad-free Facebook?

Would you consider paying for an ad-free Facebook?

Meta is considering introducing paid version of Facebook and Instagram for European users, giving them access to endless ad-free scrolling

Why? EU’s stringent data governance policies limit the company’s ability to deliver targeted advertisements in the region.

This is a big move if it happens from Meta in terms of challenging its core business model

To put things in perspective, its core business is a “$110bn+ advertising monolith that’s leaps ahead of its rivals in extracting value from users”

Which means “$18 every single month for each one of its US & Canadian users — substantially more than the $10-15 a month you might pay for services like Netflix, Spotify or Amazon Prime”

This is also interesting to think of when you think of how subscription models will turn up for other services we use.

I haven’t used Facebook for years now but I doubt if this market would rather pay for the subscription to avoid personalised ads. Or to prevent any form of personal data based customisation for that matter.


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Ranjani Mani

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