World Economic Forum on Closing the Gender Gap

257 years

That is the estimated number of years it will take to achieve gender parity and close the economic gender gap

At the current rates of progress, as per the World Economic Forum [WEF] report.

Not in my daughters’ lifetime

Nor in her grandchild’s lifetime.

I was attending a Women @ VMWare session last evening, when this alarming statistic was shared.

The WEF report highlights three primary reasons for this:

#Women have greater representation in roles that are being automated
#Not enough women are entering professions where wage growth is the most pronounced (most obviously, but not exclusively, technology)
#Women face the perennial problem of insufficient care infrastructure and access to capital.

Why does gender parity matter?

It has a fundamental bearing on whether or not economies and societies thrive.

What can you do about it?

As the session speaker so eloquently put it – ‘Pick just 2 people to start with and think about how you can help them’

Advocate, champion and mentor where possible. Raise strong daughters.

Our children deserve a level playing field.

Achieving gender equality is everyone’s responsibility.


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