@naval – “I have this theory that 99% of work that you do is useless. You still have to do it because it’s iterating your way to the 1% that is useful. But, in an ideal world, if you are omniscient, you would just cut to the 1%.”
“99% of the stuff you learned at school you have forgotten or curious about, doesn’t really apply to your life anymore.
Now of course you had to do that to build up the expertise for the 1% that worked. Or perhaps do the trial and error to do the 1% that worked.
But as you get older, you get better at figuring it out. So instead of taking 100 shots for a goal, you start taking 10 or 20.
The ability to say no and to be correct that that was a no is a Superpower”
These were notes from Naval from one of his short clips.
And to all the students who constantly ask, what should I do within my life. That is my answer – work to earn that superpower.
And when you earn it, learn to use it 🙂