#Day3 – #30daysofWeb3 Learning Challenge
Understanding Blockchain and How Transactions work
#1 What is a Blockchain?
‘A blockchain is a linked list of transactions stored on a network of computers” A shared immutable ledger, if you will.
#2 What are the defining properties of a Blockchain?
They are ‘Decentralized’ (transactions happen on a network of computers called nodes without a central authority)
They are ‘Immutable’ ( transactions are permanent records – cannot be changed once committed)
They are ‘Open’ (transactions on a blockchain can be viewed by anyone
#3 How does a Blockchain look?
Think of each block holding a list of transactions, an hash (string of random characters definign the block) and the previous block’s hash
#4 What is required for a transaction to happen?
If Alice wants to send Bob 1 bitcoin then here is what needs to happen
Both need crypto wallets that story two keys – A public key and a private key
Think of a public key as an address that lets you send and receive transactions. Example – your email id
Think of private key as what proves that you own the tokens associated with the public address. Say – the email password. This is a ‘seed phrase’ and unique and confidential to you
#5 What are the steps that happen during a transaction?
a. Alice sending Bob a bitcoin goes through three steps
b. Alice tells the wallet Bob tells his wallet: “I want to send 1 bitcoin from my public address to Bob’s public address.” She signs this transaction based on his private key proving her ownership..
Alice’s wallet sends the transaction to nodes on the blockchain. These nodes then verify the transaction using Alice’s signature and public key.
c. A node groups Alice’s transaction with other transactions into a block. It then works with other nodes to add the block to the blockchain.
Only if other nodes agree will the block be added to the blockchain
This requires consensus.
So how does a blockchain process transaction without middlemen?
We will look in more detail into the two consensus mechanisms tomorrow
For Sources/if you missed Day 1 or 2, check out the series in the link below
Follow along if you are keen to join me on this journey.
#reviewswithranjani #30daysofWeb3 #Day3/30
#Technology | #Books | #BeingBetter
Sources/ More Content:
What is Web 3.0 :
The ownership economy
Web 3.0 in a nutshell : https://eshita.mirror.xyz/H5bNIXATsWUv_QbbEz6lckYcgAa2rhXEPDRkecOlCOI
Chris Nixon on Why Web 3.0 Matters:
On Ownership economy
What is Web 3.0 :
The ownership economy
Web 3.0 in a nutshell : https://eshita.mirror.xyz/H5bNIXATsWUv_QbbEz6lckYcgAa2rhXEPDRkecOlCOI
Chris Nixon on Why Web 3.0 Matters:
On Ownership economy
Crypto’s business model
Passion Economy