Top 7 mistakes to avoid in the first 90 days – Taken up a new job or new role within the same organization?
#7TransitionTraps to avoid
#1 Sticking to what you know :Doing the same things you did in your previous role, only more so.
#2 Falling prey to ‘Action Imperative’ : You feel the need to take action, and you try too hard, too early to put your stamp thereby making yourself too busy to learn and taking bad decisions
#3 Setting unrealistic expectations : You don’t negotiate your mandate or establish clear, achievable objectives
#4 Attempting to do too much : Rush off in all directions, launching multiple initiatives in the hope that some may pay
#5 Coming in with ‘the’ answer : You start with your mind made up or reach conclusions quickly about ‘the’ problems and ‘the’ solutions.
#6 Engaging in the wrong type of learning : Spend too much time focused on technical but not enough on cultural abd political dimensions of the new role
#7 Neglecting horizontal relationships : Spend too much time with boss and direct reports and not enough on peers and other stakeholders.
Can you think of other mistakes you have seen or experienced when moving into a new role?
(This is one of the most dog-eared book I have – thanks to the copious notes I have scribbled. Do get yourself a copy)