The rise of the low-code, no-code market

The rise of the No Code / Low Code market in 2021

And what does this imply to us?

Low/no-code development platforms “expedite the creation of new applications with minimal coding requirements and offer tools for nonprogrammers.

How? By relieving them of the need to write code line by line.

This also puts some form of abstracted development tools in the hands of non-technical users.

Some industry experts are still a tad skeptical – “Putting low-code platforms in the hands of everyone will create problems with governance.” 

This also reflects in the buzz around this space in start-ups – almost like a Deja-vu of the ‘chatbot’ market a few years ago

Notwithstanding the mixed views – Forrester expects the market for low-code development platforms to increase to $21.2 billion by 2022, up from $1.7 billion in 2017, a CAGR of 41%

What does this imply?

Gartner predicts “that low-code application platforms will account for 65 percent of all app development by 2024.”

With so much remote work – Is the time is right for low-code and no-code software development?


Sources :–low-code/?sh=38db1ec06570



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