The Art of Storytelling with Data

So what?

I wish people who work with data ask that question more often.

Many a time, data scientists focus on first order thinking i.e. we need to build A, B and C.

What drives business value though is second order thinking – thinking through how that outcome will help drive tangible business value.

#1 Do you start with the right question?

#2 Are you talking to the business experts to ensure you are looking at data that matters?

#3 Are you asking questions that breaks cognitive dissonance – or looking at data to help you reveal what you think it should be?

#4 And most importantly, are you telling the right story with data

If your end user has to work hard to understand numbers, it isn’t good enough.

More than anything else, I think data scientists who want to differentiate themselves would benefit from a design thinking approach.

Do you start with the user? What are the data fails you have come across?


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