Tesla and the future of Self Driving Cars

Tesla released its Full Self-Driving capability demo in Austin recently

“FSD capability features use vision neural networks to perceive & understand the world, just like humans do.


Why is this an immense step forward?

Co-incidentally, I am currently reading Walter Isaacson’ biography of Elon and he talks about wanting to have FSD from way back in 2017

And his maniacal focus on making it ‘vision-based’ and trying to do away with Radar – especially when everyone else in the category was moving towards it

So its interesting to see this being achieved – ‘making decisions and actioning them based only on visual input from cameras’

Also, it reminds me of a research around how we tend to have harsher criteria in judging errors made by machines vs humans.

P.S – The one key reason I have loved visiting Austin was that my ex-boss had the latest Tesla model(s) and always gave us a ride.

The sheer brilliance of what a well designed machine can do is an ode to good engineering.

Demo Link


Ranjani Mani


#Technology | #Books | #BeingBetter

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