Should you apply to a job even if you are not a 100% fit?

Apply to that job even if you think you don’t have 100% of the requirements met


Here are 5 reasons why


[1] There is no perfect candidate for the JD.


[2] As a hiring manager, many, including I, look at attitude and integrity over hard skills [that can be taught]


[3] Give yourself room to grow – As the adage goes, if you are the smartest person in the room – you are in the wrong room.


[4] Identify key skills you do check-box across the requirements vs a 100% fit.


[5] Apply to jobs that are aspirational and you are qualified for. Explain how you are working towards filling up the gaps that may be present.


The concern is further aggravated in women


A LinkedIn research found that women on average apply for fewer positions, and in particular for less senior positions.


Women were:


##Less likely to apply for positions they had viewed on the website


##Less likely to apply for positions that were more senior than their current position (what LinkedIn call ‘stretch roles’)

##More likely to be hired when compared to men applying for the same position as them



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