Research : Teaching Small Language Models How to Reason 

Today I am going to introduce a recent AI research paper in 5 mins.


Knowing uncommon knowledge that is true, is leverage – that comes from research, not just news.

And its also forcing function for me to learn each day

So today, we talk about – ‘Orca 2: Teaching Small Language Models How to Reason ‘.


“Orca 2 models, by implementing a variety of reasoning techniques and recognizing the most effective solution strategy for each task, achieve performance levels comparable to, and often exceeding, models that are much larger, especially on zero-shot reasoning tasks. 

Though these models still exhibit limitations and constraints inherent to their base models, they show a promising potential for future improvement, especially in terms of better reasoning capabilities, control and safety…

While frontier models will continue to demonstrate superior capabilities, we believe that research toward building more capable smaller models will help pave the way for new applications that require different deployment scenarios and trade offs between efficiency and capability”

P.S : My focus is only to introduce the research, not to judge it.

There is a lot of details and nuance I cannot capture in 5 mins.

Paper here


Ranjani Mani


#Technology | #Books | #BeingBetter

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