On Preparation and the Power of Negative Thinking

On Preparation and the Power of Negative Thinking : The Story of an Astronaut, Elton John and getting ready to play ‘RocketMan’

“Yes, I was flying airplanes and air shows in Canada

And Elton John was flying in that day to do a concert in Windsor, Ontario

And I thought the odds were extremely small, but they were convinced that we were going to meet Elton John.

I went OK, what’s the worst thing that could happen?

I meet Elton John, and Elton John and I are talking, and he finds out that not only am I an astronaut, but maybe he loves astronauts, and he wants the astronaut to come up onstage.

What would be the only thing that might happen if he finds out that an astronaut who’s up on stage with him plays guitar

What song could they play together – “Rocket Man.”

So that afternoon I sat down and learned “Rocket Man.”

In the slim chance that the worst case scenario were to happen, I wanted to be prepared.

And what happened was we did actually meet Elton John

He turned out to be a really nice guy. But fortunately for both of us, I never ended up onstage playing “Rocket Man”

But my whole life, I’ve been getting ready to play “Rocket Man,”

And sometimes it works out for the best”

– Astronaut Chris Hadfield

Are you preparing for your Rocketman?


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