Negotiating for Success with your New Boss

There are 5 fundamental conversations with your boss that is central to your ramp up plan. Most people take a reactive approach to this and thus fail.

I personally would recommend #4 for everyone

#1 The Situational Diagnosis conversation :
* Seek to understand how you new boss looks at the portfolio that you have inherited -is it a Startup, Turnaround, Accelerated growth, Realignment or a Sustaining success situation.

#2 The Expectations conversations
* Understand and negotiate what does your new boss need you to do in the short-term and in the medium term
* What constitutes acceptance and how will your performance be measured and when

#3 The Resources Conversation
* This is a conversation for negotiation of critical resources you need to be successful
* This need not be limited to funding personnel

#4 The Style conversation
* Align on how to communicate on an ongoing basis
* Communication that he/she prefers
* How often what kinds of decisions does he/she want to be consulted and when you make the call on your own

#5 The Personal Development conversation
* A few months into the new role one can begin to discuss areas of strength and development

Source – The First 90 Days


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