LinkedIn Economic Graph report – Preparing the future of workforce for Gen AI

“We find that 84% of LinkedIn members are in occupations that could leverage GAI to automate at least a quarter of routine tasks and increase productivity”, states LinkedIn Economic Graph report

“Our analysis suggests that most jobs require skills that can be performed by GAI technologies, but not every job will be affected in the same way”

They go on to identify 3 groups of occupations:

#1Augmented by GAI – These jobs’ core skills include a large share of both of GAI replicable and GAI complementary skills. Ex : Data Analysts automate the computation and interpretation of metrics with GAI, enabling them to focus their time on GAI complementary skills, such as cross-functional influencing and stakeholder engagement.

#2Disrupted by GAI – These jobs’ core skills include a large share of GAI-replicable and a relatively low share of GAI complementary skills. Ex – Language translators’ skills shift from doing translations from scratch to reviewing and certifying machine-generated translations, or to specializing on specific legal or literary domains

#3Insulated from GAI – These jobs have a relatively small proportion of GAI replicable skills in their core skills. Ex – Real estate agents might utilize GAI for writing house descriptions, but core relationship management skills would be insulated from GAI.

The chart below gives a categorisation of 600 occupations.

Highly recommend giving this a read. Complete report in comments


Ranjani Mani

#reviewswithranjani #GenerativeAIandI

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