Introducing RISE – our new weekend community give back series

Why invest in an Equitable world – Introducing our new #RISE weekend mentoring series

Vignesh Kumar and I recently spent our time talking in a panel about AI to fresh-faced college students at IIM – Shillong.

That evening during dinner at our hotel – this fancy place we stayed in – we met this young gentlemen who served us food. He struck up a conversation and asked us about why we were at the IIM.

“I have studied Hospitality Management, do you think they will allow me to do a Masters’ in Hospitality Management there, Sir? he asked, naively.

“I am the first generation graduate and would love to explore what I can do more of”, he added. For some reason that really hit me hard.

Even as we grow tech in leaps and bounds, something I oft wonder about is how can we ensure we do so but equitably?

A personal value of mine is to help folks ‘live their potential’ – no matter who they are or where they come from.

So Vignesh Kumar and I are committed to give back through our mentoring initiative ‘#RISE‘ – for what seems common knowledge to some may be of benefit to others.

Towards that, we commit to spending time each weekend giving back to the community. In the future we hope to cover more around leadership, scaling the broken rung to leadership for women and Gen AI fundamentals

This weekend though, we will start with a session for Young Tech professionals in our Career Kickstarter 101 series.

We believe tech is democratising

And each person should be able to live to their potential

In this session we will cover your top areas of concern – from how to identify roles aligned to your key interests, refining your resume to other open questions you always have had as a young professional

Please share your questions ahead of time

P.S – We value your time. And ours.

To keep it to folks who take this seriously, we are adding a nominal value to the session.

Session capped to a small audience to keep it interactive – use the link in comments to block and add your question for us.


Ranjani Mani

#reviewswithranjani #RISE

#Technology | #Books | #BeingBetter

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