How to get more done in 2 hours than most do in a day

Get more done in 2 hours than most folks get through in a day

How to use Temptation Bundling to get your top 3 things done.

Here is something I use that is tried and tested – the Bundle of 5 technique

#1 Start your day with a 10 min timer. List out stuff you need to get done into 3 buckets of 5 each.

#2 Add ONE must do item in each of the 3 buckets. This is usually one I have been putting off for a while or big gnarly goals that need chipping off.

#3 Temptation bundling – Now add the remaining 4 as simple tasks that give you joy to cross off the list. Or one’s you really would look forward to – a reward to getting things done.

#4 Block out a 2 hour deep work slot.

This varies by the person – I do 5AM – 7AM and 10 AM -12 PM. This holds true for both personal tasks and at your workplace.

Figure out slots that work for you.

#5 Work with Pomodoros

I use kanbanflow[dot]com to work in 25 min pomodoros with 5 min breaks. Pause all notifications. Leave the mobile outside. GSD.

I still end up crossing off only half of the list

But that is ok. Move the incomplete ones to the next day.

Here is an example of a personal bundle of 5

#1 Complete Purchasing NPS [ Top Activity]

#2 Set up time with new Fin Advisor [Quick check box activities]

#3 Check podcast status on Apple [Quick check box activities]

#4 Purchase CG products [Temptation bundle]

#5 Call Mom [Temptation bundle]

In the world of excess or attention deficit, hyperfocus is an advantage

How do you deep work?


Ranjani Mani


#Technology | #Books | #BeingBetter

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