How easy to use developer tooling can help AI drive value in non Tech

How easy to use developer tooling can help AI drive value in non Tech

In an insightful session of the future opportunities of Gen AI, Andrew Ng talks about this long tail – one where tech firms with billions of users could pump in a lot of resources to drive high value AI projects

One that was hard for custom use-cases specifically in non tech to emulate – wouldn’t make sense to hire 100s of engineers on a 1M project.

But the trend he highlights that could break this is the increasing prevalence of easy to use developer tools

Such as Text or Visual prompting or Data Centric AI – that could democratise the benefits to the right side of the chart – non tech

One, as he rightly calls out is a larger part of the economy


Ranjani Mani

#reviewswithranjani #GenerativeAIandI

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