A Thread
- Do we value speed or intuition?
“Deep Blue didn’t win by being smarter than a human; it won by being millions of times faster than a human. Deep Blue had no intuition”
2. Do we really know how the brain produces a mind?
One of the things I have oft pondered about is what makes you ‘you’. From the perspective of neuroscience what is the ‘seat of consciousness’ in our brain?
It is a question Jeff Hawkins asks in his book “A Thousand Brains: A New Theory of Intelligence”
“How do simple cells in the brain create intelligence? “
3. How do we design the future of AI?
He talks about how AI scientists try to program computers to act like humans. But do we need to first answer that intelligence is and what it means to ‘understand’ as humans do?
Or move further along from Artificial General Intelligence (AGI)
4. Why do we have a sense of self or purpose?
Jeff Hawkins and his team discovered that the brain uses map-like structures to build a model of the world-not just one model, but hundreds of thousands of models of everything we know.
This allows them to answer questions around why we have a sense of self
5. What is more important to preserve, our genes or our knowledge? Where do we go from here?
Humans have an old brain and a new one – the old one was driven by the need to survive and replicate. It still does.
The neocortex on the other hand is what has driven us to become an intelligent species.
The question he leaves us with is this one.
“From this point of view, humans are defined by our intelligence and our knowledge, not by our genes. The choice we face as we think about the future is, should we continue to be driven by our biological past or choose instead to embrace our newly emerged intelligence?”
What is the future you would choose to design?
#Books #38/52 2021
Links to Book : https://www.amazon.in/Thousand-Brains-New-Theory-Intelligence/dp/1541675819