Generative AI: The state of the market—where is the business impact?

Generative AI: The state of the market—where is the business impact?

There is a lot of vague views on potential of Gen AI and adoption across Enterprises

This IBM report addresses three key areas –

#1 What are the business priorities for implementation? In simple parlance, why are Enterprises investing – to innovate faster or engage with customers better?

#2 While we do this, what do Enterprises expect to see as measurable tangible benefits and do they have an org level strategy?

#3 To prepare for the disruption, what are the three key areas of focus that Enterprise leaders should look at? From Org and Skills, Risks and Governance to Data and Platforms?

Thoughts on other factors impacting Enterprise-wide Gen AI adoption to drive impact?


Ranjani Mani


#Technology | #Books | #BeingBetter

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