Finding Aliens – The future of space exploration

If Aliens existed, how will we find them?


If you think about it, most sci-fi narratives are thought experiments exploring ‘what if’ we stretched the limits of humankind


It is my favorite genre.

Let’s think specifically about the future of space exploration.

Successful missions such as Viking, Cassini, New Horizons, Juno, and Rosetta were all done with last-century technology.


We can realistically expect that during this century, the entire solar system—planets, moons, and asteroids—will be explored.


Here are some thoughts from Nautilus on the topic-

  1. Most of these may not be a manned spaceflight
  2. The privately funded ventures such as SpaceX and Blue Origin bring in a silicon culture to the national space agencies driven era
  3. Interplanetary travel will and is impeded by chemical fuels of today that limit the payload – nuclear power could be transformative. [cue – ‘space elevators’]
  4. The pioneer explorers who seek to terraform other planets to make it habitable
  5. Technological advances to intelligent beings are instant compared to Darwinian evolution scales but would it account for consciousness

Such an exciting time for my daughter to grow up to!

Any sci-fi fans out here? Drop a comment!

Would you accept a one-way ticket to Mars?


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