Episode 38 : An Astronaut’s guide to life – 3 Lessons on ingenuity, determination and being prepared

Book 28/52 2021

Book –  An Astronaut’s Guide to Life on Earth: What Going to Space Taught Me About Ingenuity, Determination, and Being Prepared

Genre – Science, LifeLessons


Rating – 4/5



Colonel Chris Hadfield is the first Canadian astrobaut to walk in space.

In this highly entertaining book, he uses his years of training and space exploration to explain how conventional wisdom can get in the way of happiness

The book is titled  – what going into space taught me about ingenuity, determination and being prepared for anything

As I read this, as one review put it, I swayed between bring hugely inspired to being underwhelmed with the feeling that my life was quite mediocre in comparison.

What I did love is how it stuck to the no-bull shit rule that some self-help books tend to move quickly into

Here are three counter-intuitive lessons from the book that I want to leave you with

  1. Aim to be Zero
  2. Sweat the Small Stuff
  3. Don’t visualize success

Listen to the 5 min review below….

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