Do you change your mind when facts change?

“When Ideas survive – it is not because that is true, but because they are interesting”

In a classic paper, sociologist Murray Davies argued the above.

What makes an idea interesting is that it challenges our weakly held opinions

For example, did you know the Moon May Have Formed When Earth’s Magma Was Blasted into Space.

When an idea doesn’t matter deeply to us, we are often excited to question it.

The natural sequence of emotions is – Surprise [“Really”] -> followed by Curiosity [“Tell me more”] and Thrill [“Wow”]

But when a core belief if questioned – we begin to shut down that to open up.

Refuse to let you beliefs become part of your identity.

There are two types of detachments that are critical in life –

Detaching your present from your past and detaching your opinions from your identity

– From the chapter on “The joy of being wrong : The thrill of not believing everything you think”

– Think Again by Adam Grant

Are you open to changing your mind when the facts change?


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