[Certificate] Designing for Change – Key takeaways

You have a vision for a better future and you need others on board.

Talking about change is easy, making it real is harder. So, where do you get started?

That is the question that I intended to get help answering in the latest IDEO course I wrapped up on ‘Designing for Change’

Here are my key take-aways

#1 There are two ways to realize a change : A mandate [top-down] and a movement [bottom-up]. And movements’ are empowering.

#2 No matter where you sit within your organization, you have the ability to make change happen – Big changes start small and they start with people.

#3 How can one frame the change in a way that invites participation and motivates buy-in.

#4 The Atlas complex : Any time I worked on leading change, I have [I realize now] unintentionally, carried the weight of the change on my shoulder. It is hugely liberating to understand that we can harness the collective energy to take action and not have to suffer from the Atlas complex.

#5 Most importantly – the fact that change is a journey. One that can frustrating. But celebrate the small wins and let it add momentum 🙂


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