“This is the problem with living in the 21st century.
… We are made to feel poor on thirty thousand pounds a year.
To feel old if we have a wrinkle.
To feel ugly if we aren’t photoshopped and filtered.
No one I knew in the 1600s wanted to find their inner billionaire.
They just wanted to live to see adolescence and avoid body lice”
How to Stop Time tells a love story across the ages- about a man lost in time
Tom Hazard looks like your average forty-something guy but actually has a rare medical condition that makes him age slower than the average human.
So he’s around five-hundred years old. What changes in how we live when that happens across centuries
Tom has performed with Shakespeare, explored with Captain Cook, shared a cocktail with F. Scott and Zelda Fitzgerald, and experienced the drastic changes the world has undergone through the centuries
It sometimes feels like I want to reach out and grab a narrative out of it while none exists.
The story meanders across centuries that I stopped to reflect what the book meant to me
Maybe this quote captured it best –
“That’s the thing with time, isn’t it? It’s not all the same.
Some days – some years – some decades – are empty. There is nothing to them. It’s just flat water. And then you come across a year, or even a day, or an afternoon. And it is everything. It is the whole thing.”
#Book32/52 – 3.7/5
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