Enabling Teams to Connect in a Remote First World

How do you enable your teams to bond and share knowledge in a remote first set-up?

One can be in back-to-back calls and yet not feel connected – much like being in a room full of people but feeling lonely.

I think this is a very real problem that leaders need to address.

Here are few ideas that we have tried/trying –


1) 15 Min Dailies

As a global team, we are used working in a weekly sprint model with a daily stand-up – gives the team visibility to larger goals & share learnings with each other!


2) ML Read/Discuss sessions We have such a passionate set of folks who love learning – folks share papers, concepts and discuss latest in the space


3)  ‘Talk-about-your-Interest’ sessions 

We have topics ranging from Dockers, Kubernetes, AI ethics, mental models to Llama’s!


4) Brain Hack Sessions

Have a problem? Brainstorm to solve it together


5) Fun-day Monday 

Start the week on a great note- we do kahoot quizzes on sports, movies and even appreciate-someone-day

Our quarterly hackathons and switching our water cooler conversations to a slack channel also helps!

Do you have a team building/bonding idea to share?






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