When do you choose the hard vs easy path?

My advise to founders – “Don’t do the hard stuff right now. It you choose hard, do technically hard stuff that enables a giant breakthrough in terms of a use case but don’t do the hard market.

Because there are so many easy markets right now and you if you are grinding and grinding and not getting customer attention, its not worth it right now.

Now 5 years from now when the use of these technologies are a bit more saturated – thats when you got to go do the more hard stuff”

This was Elad Gill from his podcast ‘No Priors’ – referring to the Gen AI ecosystem

“When new technology shifts and disrupts a new market, you actually want to just do the easy stuff

why do the hard stuff?

why not do the low hanging fruits”

I tend to agree.

I talk to a lot of start ups

And whilst it isn’t about solving hard technical problems

Its about choosing your markets and niche areas wisely

Are you building in the Gen AI space

I am always looking to learn more about startups in this space, pls DM


Ranjani Mani

#reviewswithranjani #GenerativeAIandI

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