3AI GenAI Max Conference – 2023

Yesterday, I got an ‘Inspiring Women in AI and Analytics” award at 3AI‘s Gen AI Max Conference

Even as I was collecting it, there is this teensy voice in my head that goes,
‘What really have you done to deserve it? There is so much you are a failure at”
Maybe. Maybe not.
The only thing that pushes me past the fear is Appa – and my need to make him proud.

Every time I am on a stage giving a keynote or getting a recognition, the person I miss the most, is my dad. So much so, that it physically hurts

My first job was with Oracle
Appa dropped me for my interviews at 9.00 AM and stood at the gates waiting for me.
I had a bunch of back to back technical rounds.
I don’t think I had a phone so after clearing each one, I’d rush out to tell him.
He stood right there all day until I finally came out, offer in hand, at around 4.30PM.
Beaming proudly, taking me to the temple close by and then buying me ice cream.
He believed in me – unabashedly so.

So this is for him.
And for that young girl who came up to acknowledge how good it was to see an Women in AI.

May you find the one person who trusts in you. Unconditionally.
Sometimes, thats all you need.

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