The Power of Knowing What You Don’t Know

Here is a fun Wednesday quiz to understand your default thinking mode


If someone tells me a belief I’ve held for a long time is wrong, my first instinct is to…

#1 Disregard them altogether

#2 Consider the best way to make a good impression

#3 Demolish their reasoning

#4 Be curious about what I don’t know

#5 Start craving some avocado toast

Did you share your answer in comments?

Like most of you mine was a combination.

Between 4, 1 and sometimes 3, in that order – depending on the topic and the person at the other end.

This is from Adam Grant’s latest book – Think Again – The power of knowing what you don’t know

He says that in our daily lives, we often think like preachers, prosecutors, politicians, and scientists.

Psychologists find that we enter preacher mode when we’re defending a sacred value, prosecutor mode when we’re trying to win an argument, politician mode when we’re campaigning for the approval of an audience, and scientist mode when we’re searching for the truth.

These mental modes affect our will to question our own opinions and our skill to open other people’s minds.

So where do you fall in the spectrum – a preacher, prosecutor, politician or a scientist?

Link to the quiz –



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