On living the good life

Do you you feel like the more you read or learn about the world around you, the more existential questions you have?

These are my last 6 books –

#1A riveting, personal account of a president who made history – ”’Whatever you do won’t be enough,’ I heard their voices say. ‘Try anyway.’”

#2The painful Syrian refugee trail to Europe- a mother blinded by loss and her bee-keeper husband who insists on survival

#3The story of the man who solved the market – the greatest money maker in modern financial history. Of outrageous wealth, disparity and how one could be a scientist and yet question climate change

#4Timeless lessons on wealth, greed and our relationship with Money.

#5Equally timeless lesson from the Nobel prize winner Tagore on caste, class, culture & empathy

#6Finally, Naval, on what it means to be healthy, wealthy and happy.

They make me question the bubbles through which we view the world that we inhibit.

And the purpose of life and what is the difference one should focus on making?

Maybe like my mom complains , I should stop ‘thinking and reading too much and focus on running a family’.

Or maybe not.

If you have read any of the books or have asked yourself similar questions – do drop a comment!


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