Being Decisive – The WRAP framework for better and bolder decisions

Should I resign this job? Should I move to a new city? Is this the stream I want to pursue?
How can we take better decisions?

Regardless of whether you are a student or a professional, the quality of the decisions you make ultimately determines the quality of your life.

The 4 villains of decision making are –
#1Narrow framing [this/that decisions],
#2Confirmation Bias [looking to confirm what we already believe in]

Being Decisive – The WRAP framework for better and bolder decisions

To overcome this, Chip and Dan Heath propose the WRAP framework
W -Widen your options
R – Reality-test your assumptions
A – Attain distance before deciding
P – Prepare to be wrong

Listen to this #2MinExplainer video to learn more about the WRAP process that can help us all make better and bolder decisions


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