Leaders to Executives – What got you here won’t get you there

What skills differentiates leaders who grow into executives vs those who don’t ?


Our 40-to-50-year career can be divided into segments of 12 to 15 years, or “acts”

#ActI – The Set-up where one transitions from an IC to a Leader
#ActII – The transition from a leader to an executive.
#ActIII – Where you start your second career, hopefully unconstrained by previous financial and personal needs.

It’s a huge accomplishment to become a leader in a company and certainly nothing to minimize. But only a small percentage, perhaps as few as 20%, continue to scale from a leader to an executive in Act 2.

Why? When is good enough not enough?

Do we need different skills in Act II from what led to your success in Act I?

These are the questions Nikhyl Singhal raises and answers in his newsletter – The Skip. I really enjoy reading them

It’s a great source on career growth to check out!

There is also a fabulous book on the same topic – What got you here, won’t get you there – Marshall Goldsmith

What do you think are critical skills to move up to the executive level?

(Image source – The Skip)

Here is Nikhyl ‘s link to subscribe – https://theskip.substack.com/p/coming-soon

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